Somewhere in the White
House, US President Barack Hussein Obama was sitting with his generals and
advisers in a live video conference with leaders of Israel and India. Obama is
concerned that his plan to destroy Muslims is not going well and his allies haven’t
been of much help.
Indian Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh in his gentle and low voice squeaks in the screen, ‘Mr. Obama
why do you look so worried?’
Obama who’s head is buried
in his hands looks up at the screen and says, ‘Nothing Manu bro,
recently there haven’t been much attacks against Muslims, I think we are losing
our steam’.
‘ No, we are not’ Benjamin
‘Bibi’ Netanyahu in his strong Philadelphian accent chips in, ‘ we are trying
to buy some major TV channels in Muslim countries so that we can indoctrinate
their populations with our Zionist ideology’.
Obama looks up at Netanyahu
and asks him, ‘how much money would I have to keep giving you to buy Muslim
media and business assets? In case you haven’t realized, there’s a recession
going on in here and my voters are keeping an eye on this one’ He said, anxiety
apparent in his eyes.
‘As long as the media
remains in our grip everything would be fine’ said Netanyahu.
‘ Don’t worry Sir Obama
Sir, we have recruited Veena Malik and she would definitely do her best to
defame Pakistani Military and ISI because if we destroy ISI and Pak Army, we
can easily take over the Muslim world and my generals can finally enjoy a Jack
Daniels at the Lahore Gymkhana’, chirped Manmohan Singh.
‘What if they treat her
like Shakeel Afridi’ , Obama asked Manmohan.
‘ Oh no no sir
this is not possible sir, as you see we have quite a lot of liberal politicians
and media anchors in our employ and they are doing their best to provide a
cover for Veena” said Manmohan, self satisfaction evident in his voice.
‘ Hey OB’ Netanyahu said, ‘
I see that you are still looking worried , thinking that the damage
in the Muslim world is not enough eh?’ asked the
Israeli PM. ‘ I have a plan’ he said dropping his voice
conspiratorially low.
‘What ?’ said Obama now in
a hushed voice and leaning towards the screen.
‘ Why don’t we publish
another set of cartoons of the Muslim Prophet, that will enrage them for sure
like it did last time’, said Netanyahu.
‘ I have got a better idea
this time’ , said Obama, now smiling.’ Why don’t we make a film this
time, and then spread it all over, that will enrage the Muslims, and then they
would peacefully protest, but we will insert our agents who will incite the
peaceful Muslims to violence and we can all cheer as their shops and buildings
and hospitals are burnt and razed to the ground’.
‘Hallelujah’ cried the
Israeli and Indian Prime minister in unison.
Dear Readers, this
conversation did not take place, so says logic common sense and media reports.
However, it’s frightening to see how much of this fictional story can actually
be viewed as truth by many Pakistanis. This is what we as a nation have become.
Targeting of everything
American was the order of the day on Yaum-e- Ishq-e- Rasool . Yes, by the grace
of Almighty, we burnt many infidel restaurants but in doing so, we also
destroyed the lively hoods of many of our fellow citizens. My friend told me of
a protestor who was beating a burning empty police car? I wondered why beat a
burning police car, which has no infidel occupants? Children reveled in the
carnage that ensued on the streets of Lahore Karachi Peshawar and
Islamabad. Adults looted medicine shops and burnt trucks and buses.
On that day, our nation
showed symptoms of psychosis.
Psychosis is an aberration
in mental health. The sufferer loses contact with reality. Delusions are a
symptom of a psychosis. Delusion is an erroneous belief that does not have
any rational or logical foundation. One of the types of delusions
characterized by psychologists is the delusion of persecution in which the
person wrongly and irrationally believes that people are conspiring against him
and desire nothing but to hurt him. It is an observation of mine
that a vast majority of Pakistanis have slipped into the Delusion of
Persecution. On a simple matter of peacefully registering
a protest, we took to the streets and after all was done we had the gumption to
say that the movie and the ensuing violence was an American Zionist conspiracy
because Muslims always conduct peaceful protests and that those Zionists and
Yanks really want to destroy us.
After all this happening,
can we still remain in denial and reject calls for a National Psychotherapy?