Before I begin my article, there are two important definitions that I want to lay down before you:
1) Founding father: defined as a person who starts or helps to start a movement, institution or a revolution.
2) Institution: An established custom, law or behavioral pattern of importance in a community.
When founding fathers bring revolutions, they lay down the basis for or introduce new institutions, and dismantle unfair institutions
Let us move on.
Now if we accept these definitions, then according to these, M.A.Jinnah cannot be the founding father of this nation of Pakistan. You would question the reason behind this sacrilege, to which I would quote a section of M.A Jinnah’s 11th August (and oft quoted), speech:
“..If you change your past and work together in a spirit that every one of you, no matter to what community he belongs, no matter what relations he had with you in the past, no matter what is his color, cast or creed, is first, second and last, a citizen of this state with equal rights, privileges and obligations, there will be no end to the progress you will make”
I ask you, did we ever follow this advice of our “founding father”? Did we preserve this legacy?
On the other hand the founding fathers of USA deserve to be called ‘the founding fathers’, because the constitution that they set up, the legacy they have left behind is still preserved, is still guarded as sacred. They laid down the foundations of institutions that have been protected to this date. So I implore of you, who merits the claim to be called a founding father, George Washington or M.A Jinnah?
I ask you, can a non-Muslim become the president or prime minister of Pakistan no matter how capable he or she is. We can have lawbreakers, dictators or religious fanatics holding the reins of power, but we cannot even contemplate to have a capable and committed non-Muslim governing the Islamic Pious Republic of Pakistan! Refer to Jinnah’s speech when he said, “…a citizen of this state with equal rights, privileges and obligations”
Our assemblies can unanimously declare a certain Muslim sect as non-Muslim and effectively enforce that bill but cannot unanimously approve a health and education reform bill.
“You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with the business of the state”, The Quaid said, and we as a nation make a mockery of this statement every day.
The Quaid said:
“The first duty of the government is to maintain law and order, so that the life, property and religious beliefs of its subjects are fully protected by state”
Sectarian killing, increasing crime rates, party owned land mafia and the regular killing of minorities prove this statement of the Quaid as false. Every Day!
To the Armed forces, he said:
“Now you have to stand guard over the development and maintenance of Islamic democracy...” (2nd Feb 1948)
This statement has already been mocked five times since 1947.
Addressing the students in Dacca in March 1948, he said:
“You will be making the greatest mistake if you allow yourself to be exploited by one political party or the other”
APMSO, ISF, IJT, PSF etc... Clearly show how much regard they have for their own party’s founding fathers than Pakistan’s founding fathers.
To the reader, I ask, since our laws, institutions, behavioral patterns are exactly the opposite of what M.A Jinnah had in mind, therefore shouldn’t we say that the founding fathers of this nation are actually, ZA Bhutto, Maulana Maudoodi, Ayub Khan, and Zia Ul Haque because of their untiring efforts the Islamic Pious State of Pakistan came into being because before that, it was just …Pakistan. Hence I propose with all solemnity that the picture of M.A Jinnah be removed from currency and be replaced by the above mentioned esteemed personalities for these truly are our founding fathers who’s legacy we still preserve- and cherish.
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the founder of a country once called Pakistan, not the founder of the Islamic Pious Castle of Islam Pakistan.
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