Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Just one action. One Decision.

Its funny, isn’t it? How fate guides the destinies of different people to meet each other at a certain point of time. It just shows how, even our small actions can have a big effect on our outcomes. I was watching Susan Boyle's audition video on YouTube and the part where she says that she wants to be a professional singer, the camera turns to show a teenage girl rolling her eyes and laughing (somewhat disdainfully) at Susan Boyle.
Jennifer Byrne, who's eye rolling made her a global hate figure
Now that might have been a completely unnoticeable screen shot hadn’t it been for the fact that a few seconds later Susan belted out a fantastic version of I Dreamed a Dream song and the video later got 55 million hits on YouTube. Susan became famous and so did the girl who had laughed at her. I was reading the comments below the video and noticed how they tended to abuse the girl who had rolled her eyes. She was then named the "1:24 girl" because she appears at the 1 one minute and 24 second mark on the video. She even has an entry in the Online Urban Dictionary as I searched out and the term "1:24 girl" now means

“An evil little slag who judged a book by its cover. 1:24 girls snarl in an evil manner at less attractive looking people as they aim to start their dreams.

1:24 girls are not very nice or attractive people - they are generally just vile scum.

They also known as '0:46 girl'

Have you ever judged a book by its cover?

No, I'm not a spiteful 1:24 girl”

I dug in a bit deeper and found out that her name was Jennifer Byrne and was upset by the reaction that she was getting by the crowd -worldwide.

So the point that I am making here is that even our small actions, things we think would hardly have any effect, might just go on to change our lives, our and that of others around us as well. Isn’t it amazing to see that somehow each and every one of us is connected to each other? How our fates, destinies, luck, bad luck, fortunes, and misfortunes are so closely tied to each other. If George Washington hadn’t audaciously crossed, the Delaware River America might not have formed (just saying) and there couldn’t have been any American dominance, we would never have known movies like Titanic or Avatar, or Lion King. I could never have been employed by US Educational Foundation and couldn’t have earned money to buy my very first laptop. By just crossing an iced up river to attack the Brits on December 25, 1776, he changed the history of the world. Just one action. One Decision.

America's Founding Father crosses the Delaware River
Just imagine what would have happened if Dr Patel had told Jinnah's opponents that, he was a TB patient.
Jinnah. The Man
Would Pakistan have come in existence? Just one action. One decision. Imagine if Benazir had decided against coming out of the car and just headed home. What would our present country look right now? Just one action. One decision.
Bhutto's last moments

However, the funny thing here is that at the time of that decision you can hardly ever imagine what would be the result of your actions. How many lives would be affected how much would the world change. To me this whole thing shows one fact that all of us whether we are in the bureaucracy or in the blue-collar industry. Even a single person's most unimportant ficklest thought might have earth shattering consequences. Think on that while I go make myself a Biryani.


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